
List of selected publications in which Diepenbrock lab members have participated as co-authors. Please reference Google Scholar for maximally updated records.

† indicates co-corresponding authors; * indicates equal contributions


LaPorte, M.F., W. Suwarno, P. Hannok, A. Koide, P.J. Bradbury, J. Crossa, N. Palacios-Rojas, C.H. Diepenbrock†. Investigating genomic prediction strategies for grain carotenoid traits in a tropical/subtropical maize panel. bioRxiv 2023.12.29.573624;

Parker, T., T. Bolt, T. Williams, R.V. Penmetsa, M. Mulube, A. Palkovic, C.N. Jochua, M. del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi, S. Lo, G. Bornhorst, L. Tian, K. Kamfwa, S. Hokin, A. Farmer, C. Diepenbrock, P. Gepts. Sequence characterization of TBip, and Phbw demonstrates the role of MYB-bHLH-WD40 complexes and temperature in common bean seed color pattern formation. bioRxiv 2023.09.23.559151;

Clark, R., D. Chamberlain, C. Diepenbrock, M. Cooper, C.D. Messina. Root system growth and function response to soil temperature in maize (Zea mays L.). bioRxiv 2023.03.15.532822;

C.D. Messina, M. Cooper, G.L. Hammer, D. Berning, I. Ciampitti, R. Clark, C. Diepenbrock, C. Gho, M. Jines, T. Lee, R. McCormick, E. Mihura, D. Podlich, J. Rotundo, M. Smalley, T. Tang, S. Truong, F. van Eeuwijk. Two decades of creating drought tolerant maize and underpinning prediction technologies in the US corn-belt: Review and perspectives on the future of crop design. bioRxiv 2020.10.29.361337;


Ramanan, M., T. Nelsen, M. Lundy, G.P. Fox†, C. Diepenbrock†. 2023. Effects of genotype and environment on productivity and quality in Californian malting barley. Agronomy Journal 115(5): 2544-2557.

Parker, T.A., J. Acosta Gallegos, J. Beaver, M. Brick, J.K. Brown, K. Cichy, D.G. Debouck, A. Delgado-Salinas, S. Dohle, E. Ernest, C. Estevez de Jensen, F. Gomez, B. Hellier, A.V. Karasev, J.D. Kelly, P. McClean, P. Miklas, J.R. Myers, J.M. Osorno, J.S. Pasche, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, T. Porch, J.R. Steadman, C. Urrea, L. Wallace, C.H. Diepenbrock, P. Gepts†. 2022. Genetic resources and breeding priorities in Phaseolus beans: vulnerability, resilience, and future challenges. In Plant Breeding Reviews, I. Goldman (Ed.).

Wu, D., X. Li, R. Tanaka, J.C. Wood, L.E. Tibbs-Cortes, M. Magallanes-Lundback, N. Bornowski, J.P. Hamilton, B. Vaillancourt, C.H. Diepenbrock, X. Li, N.T. Deason, G.R. Schoenbaum, J. Yu, C.R. Buell, D. DellaPenna, M.A. Gore†. 2022. Combining GWAS and TWAS to identify candidate causal genes for tocochromanol levels in maize grain. Genetics: iyac091.

M.-F. LaPorte, M. Vachev, M. Fenn, C. Diepenbrock†. 2022. Simultaneous dissection of grain carotenoid levels and kernel color in biparental maize populations with yellow-to-orange grain. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 12(3): jkac006.

C. Diepenbrock, T. Tang, M. Jines, F. Technow, S. Lira, D. Podlich, M. Cooper, C. Messina†. 2021. Can we harness digital technologies and physiology to hasten genetic gain in United States maize breeding? Plant Physiology 188(2): 1141-1157.

C.H. Diepenbrock, D.C. Ilut, M. Magallanes-Lundback, C.B. Kandianis, A.E. Lipka, P.J. Bradbury, J.B. Holland, J.P. Hamilton, E. Wooldridge, B. Vaillancourt, E. Góngora-Castillo, J.G. Wallace, J. Cepela, M. Mateos-Hernandez, B.F. Owens, T. Tiede, E.S. Buckler, T. Rocheford, C.R. Buell, M.A. Gore, and D. DellaPenna. 2021. Eleven biosynthetic genes explain the majority of natural variation for carotenoid levels in maize grain. The Plant Cell 33(4): 882-900.

K.A.G. Kremling†*, C.H. Diepenbrock, M.A. Gore, E.S. Buckler, and N.B. Bandillo†*. 2019. Transcriptome-wide association supplements genome-wide association in Zea mays. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9(9): 3023-3033.

B.F. Owens†, D. Mathew, C.H. Diepenbrock†, T. Tiede, D. Wu, M. Mateos-Hernandez, M.A. Gore, and T.R. Rocheford. 2019. Genome-wide association study and pathway-level analysis of kernel color in maize. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9(6): 1945-1955.

A. Gul, C.H. Diepenbrock, F. Breseghello, E. Minella, J.D. Munkvold, A.H. Paterson, L. Kissing Kucek, E. Souza, M. La Rota, L.-X. Yu, J.-K. Yu, Z. Ma, A. Van Deynze, J. Rutkoski, E.L. Heffner, J. da Silva, and J. Isidro Sanchez. 2018. Mark E. Sorrells: Plant Breeder, Geneticist, Innovator, Mentor. Edited by Irwin Goldman. Plant Breeding Reviews 42: 1-38.

R. Makanza, M. Zaman-Allah, J.E. Cairns, J. Eyre, J. Burgueño, Á. Pacheco, C. Diepenbrock, C. Magorokosho, A. Tarekegne, M. Olsen, B.M. Prasanna. 2018. High-throughput method for ear phenotyping and kernel weight estimation in maize using ear digital imaging. Plant Methods 14: 49.

C.H. Diepenbrock, C.B. Kandianis, A.E. Lipka, M. Magallanes-Lundback, B. Vaillancourt, E. Góngora-Castillo, J.G. Wallace, J. Cepela, A. Mesberg, P.J. Bradbury, D.C. Ilut, M. Mateos-Hernandez, J. Hamilton, B.F. Owens, T. Tiede, E.S. Buckler, T. Rocheford, C.R. Buell, M.A. Gore†, and D. DellaPenna†. 2017. Novel loci underlie natural variation in vitamin E levels in maize grain. Plant Cell 29(10): 2374-2392.

C.H. Diepenbrock and M.A. Gore. 2015. Closing the divide between human nutrition and plant breeding. Crop Science 55: 1-12.

M.L. Warburton and C.H. Diepenbrock. 2015. Introduction to the QTL That Matter Symposium. Crop Science 55: 1435-1436.

B.F. Owens*, A.E. Lipka*, M. Magallanes-Lundback, T. Tiede, C.H. Diepenbrock, C.B. Kandianis, E. Kim, J. Cepela, M. Mateos-Hernandez, C.R. Buell, E.S. Buckler, D. DellaPenna, M.A. Gore†, and T. Rocheford†. 2014. A foundation for provitamin A biofortification of maize: genome-wide association and genomic prediction models of carotenoid levels. Genetics 198(4): 1699-1716.

D.K. Allen, J. Goldford, J.K. Gierse, D. Mandy, C.H. Diepenbrock, and I.G.L. Libourel. 2014. Quantification of peptide m/z distributions from 13C-labeled cultures with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 86(3): 1894-1901.

G.D. Stone, A. Flachs, and C.H. Diepenbrock. 2014. Rhythms of the herd: long term dynamics in seed choice by Indian farmers. Technology in Society 36: 26-38.